Thursday, November 27, 2008

Things I'm Thankful for on Thanksgiving, Sort of.

If you read my post a few days ago about my birthday then you probably won't be surprised to find that I am not a big holiday person either. The things that everybody loves about holidays have never really had much of a resounding effect on me.

Some people like big family affairs, I haven't really experienced many of these, but I'm going to say it doesn't really seem all that appealing. We moved away from family when I was young so most of my "big family gathering" experiences growing up were with other families from my dad's churches and I can't think of a single one of these that I found fun or looked forward to. Lots of sitting around and listening to older people talk about older people things.

Some people really like the massive amounts of food that you can eat during the Holidays. I am not a food person. The delicious effect of food was pretty much ruined for me during high school when I was constantly trying to gain weight for baseball and ate gross amounts of food at every opportunity. Ever since that didn't really work food is simply something that my body needs to function, plus, Turkey isn't even that good anyway.

But, my friends, do not worry, even my purest of cynical thoughts realizes there are still things to be thankful for. And, in no particular order, here are the ones I can think of while I am sitting in front of my computer when I should be on my bike getting in recovery miles.

- Friends. Old ones who I unfortunately never get to see anymore. New ones who I get to see more frequently. Friends from the future who I will meet when I get the Delorean working.

- Bikes. I will forever be thankful for bikes in general. You make my life smile. Specifically I am thankful for my two bikes. My ZX3 which will be my faithful stead in many races this season. And, my Fondriest, which faithfully carried me around the country and is no openly accepting it's role as a cross bike. I appreciate it's willingness to go through that abuse.

- Family. I have a lot of family. Many of these family members I have never met. If I were ever to move back to Texas I'd certainly have to be careful when dating. But specifically my Mom, Dad and Brother. Each of which I have a very unique relationship and feel fortunate to have them in my life.

- New homes. The day after Thanksgiving I will move to my new apartment in Oakland. My rent will decrease by almost 50%. My new roommate is super rad and our apartment should be a very cool place to call home.

- The Longhorns. I am always thankful for Longhorns football and this season has been a great one. I of course think that Texas is still deserving to play for the National Title this year, but regardless of how that plays itself out, the Longhorns have once again gave me an awesome fall with a few anxiety filled Saturdays. Hook 'em!

This turned out a lot less funny than I thought it was going to. I actually had to self edit a lot of what I wanted to write because even though I joke about only having 3-5 people reading, I'm not sure that's actually accurate and so there are sets of eyes that probably would not have found humor in some of the things I was going to originally post. Oh well.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Eat until your little heart or not so little belly is content. Then of course, for tradition sake, push past the pain and break through to a new barrier. You don't really need those last few years of your life that gluttony will eliminate. You'd be old and hardly mobile anyway! Bon appetite!

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