Monday, November 03, 2008

I almost forgot

One more thing I learned this weekend:

-Justin Bobby, from the Hills, is very short. Not like shorter than average, I mean he's like 5'5 at best. I saw him in Dulles as he was boarding a Virgin America flight back to LA and I was flying back to SF.

At first I wasn't sure it was really him. But, after some facebook research I have discovered that he was indeed in DC for Halloween at some party. He was probably paid to make an appearance. Regardless of that fact, he is very short.


T said...

no freaking way...justin bobby is like 5'5. i never would have known. this is very very interesting news. i wish we (you me and jaz29) were all together to celebrate that not only is he a effin idiot he's also short. any news on spencer being pen!$-less?

landall said...

If I ever find myself at a urinal beside Spencer I will be sure to report back. Until then, we'll have to assume he has one as Heidi tried to scare him with pregnancy once.