Say it ain't so! Actually, who could possibly be surprised? And, as a loyal fan of all things Texas and hater of all things Oklahoma I say good riddance!
I am not here to make fun of Mr. Griffin. I think it's obvious that his lack of good sense to go to school in a state other than Oklahoma speaks for itself. What I am here to do is wonder why we need to have an official press conference for his to declare his intention to enter the NBA draft. This isn't a surprise. Everybody knew coming into the season that it would be his last. Then, as he dominated pretty much everyone all season it was simply a question of when would Oklahoma lose in the tourney and give him the opportunity to secure his agent. Who I am also pretty sure has been around since he was, like, 9, give or take a few years.
Here is what I predict he'll say in his press conference, which is really why he doesn't need to have one. Please keep in mind these are not direct quotes. To be honest I'm not even sure if it's taken place yet or not as I write this. I just know I read a headline that says he called a press conference. These will be the highlights:
- He'll thank god. Because, well, whether he believes in god or not, it's what you do apparently.
- He'll thank his parents. Which he should. Except he should point out that he isn't happy with how close his eyes to each other.
- He'll thank Coach Campbell for giving him the opportunity to grow as a player. Without his two years at Oklahoma and under Coach Campbell he wouldn't be the player he is today.
- He'll thank all of the Sooner Fans that supported him throughout his two years. (Which, let's be honest, probably wasn't so hard to do.)
- He'll thank the entire University of Oklahoma for giving him such a great two years. And if it weren't for the millions of dollars in endorsements that he isn't able to cash in on while playing as a Sooner, he'd totally stay.
I wish he'd quote Carmello Anthony after he single handedly won the NCAA tournament for Syracuse when he said, "I thought college was a 4 years." But, for this to happen he'd need to open with that line. And then, just like Carmello, almost immediately follow it up with his intentions to enter the draft.
I am not hating on this kid! If I were Blake Griffin or any other kid in college with a high level prospect of playing in the NBA I'd get out of college as quickly as possible! Why risk injury? There's no age limit on getting a degree and I'm sure that Oklahoma would take him back with open arms whenever he's done playing basketball. To pass up on the immediate opportunity to make a living playing basketball would simply be irresponsible.
I am a firm believer that the NBA rule requiring a year of college is total bullshit. Not only does it hurt college basketball and graduation rates of teams, but it also limits one's ability to earn a living. What if that kid who can't enter the draft right out of high school get's injured his freshman year and can never play again? His signing bonus, whatever the size could have maybe held him over while he figured out his next move. But, that's probably a whole different entry in and of itself.
So, Mr. Griffin, and the rest of the current NCAA class that will declare their intentions to enter the draft over the next few weeks, good luck! Save us all the time and have your newly acquired publicist just send out a press release instead. Oh, and be sure to thank your "tutor" while you're at it.
And, just because videos and pictures are fun, I found this highlight real on youtube. This guy is incredible! He should have gone to Mason!
Wow... I thought it was cool how many times he could do that "off the backboard pass and dunk" so many times without missing. He must practice a lot!
Both having a rewind button and being 6'10" with a 40"+ vertical help in the making of that highlight.
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