Thursday, April 23, 2009

Back to Back Fake Holidays!

Fake Holiday #1: Earth Day.

What the heck is Earth Day besides a chance for crazy recycle nazi's to send office wide emails out to everyone to remind them it's Earth Day and then make additional suggestions about things you can do to help save the planet. If I wanted to constantly hear about how to save the polar ice caps or my carbon footprint I'd have applied to work for Al Gore.

I responded to our office wide email by saying I only observe holidays that come with a paid day off from work. That was followed up with a request not to pro-create. Which, I thought was pretty funny.

However, I did do my part. I saved water by refraining from washing my hands every time I went to the bathroom.

Fake Holiday #2: Bring your Kid to Work Day.

In my opinion, this sounds terrible. Let's face it. Unless your a fireman or a professional athlete there isn't a lot you do on a daily basis that keeps you entertained. Imagine having your kid sit there and watch you do it!

The good people at have posted a few cards for the occasion that I think sum things up better than I can. And I clearly think I'm pretty good at summing.

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