San Francisco has been my home for just a bit over two months and for some reason that makes me feel like I should comment on my experience thus far.
I like this city and about 65% of the people I’ve met who live here. 65% might not seem like a lot, but trust me, that’s a pretty high percentage for me. People generally annoy me, especially if I feel like I’ve met their personality before. So, with that said, 65% is pretty stinking high. And, it’s also a statistic that is not accompanied by any sort of actual data or math. Go figure.
Before moving here people consistently commented on how cold it is in SF. I always dismissed these comments for either my own personal need to believe that SF was perfect in every facet or because a temperate climate seemed like a great escape from the extremes of the east coast which I grew to pretty much loathe. Visiting SF the first time in late September gave me the impression that the Indian summer I experienced then was how it is all the time. I was warned, by people that live here, that the weather I experienced was not what I should expect on a daily basis and again, I internally dismissed their warnings. What I have discovered is that the sun hardly ever shines in SF during the summer. Last night I was at a bar and the sign out front read, “It’s August, summers almost here!” This sign made me laugh because it’s true. I don’t necessarily dislike the fog that is a staple of life here, but, I do miss the sun, and the option to just wear a polo shirt and not a jacket. I will comment on this again in February when it’s probably the same temperature as it is now, and I’ll be so stoked that I am not standing on a street corner in DC waiting for the bus in 30 degrees with a 20mph wind. Though, it’s pretty windy here.
The cycling here is pretty great. No shortage of climbing. The cyclists are nicer than east coasters, though, all the odd things still sort of hold true. I had to ride with this group on Saturdays three times before half the people acknowledged me. The other half introduced themselves on the first ride. That was a pleasant surprise.
I have yet to go on a date, but I really haven’t met many single girls. Also, due to my lack of friend base as well as early morning weekend cycling schedule I haven’t gone out that much. Sometimes I wonder if I need to chose between cycling and dating, but part of me hopes that the two will work themselves together somehow. But, since most of the ladies I meet on rides are all mid-30s as is most of the cycling community, that doesn’t seem like it will happen. I suppose most normal 26 year olds are at bars or parties on Friday and Saturday nights, not going to bed early so they can get into group rides at 8:30am the following day. Of, all the girls I’ve met in SF so far I’ve only found one that I’d say I have a real amount of interest in. If you guessed she’s unavailable, you’re right. That seems to be the way it goes.
I can’t think of anything else to comment on.
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