Monday, January 19, 2009

High Tech Nutrition!

Almost never does anyone ever ask me what I eat when I go out for a 5+ hour bike ride. Mostly I think it's because nobody cares, which is probably the right feeling to have about the topic. But, because I rode my bike for 6.5 hours today and experienced a few different food related issues I decided I'd share exactly what I consumed throughout the day.

There are endless discussions on what and how much of something someone should eat during a ride. Generally the calculations are based on calories/hour but I can't be bothered with that kind of math. I also can't be bothered with eating things that are sold in the "energy bar" isle of your local grocery store. I've ingested so many cliff bars and gus that I swore I'd never have another a few months ago. And, I haven't. But, if I'm not eating a cliff bar or taking in gu ever hour what is one to do? Don't I realize that those products are specifically designed to keep me going.

In the picture below you will see three cookies in a sandwich bag. I ate a cookie every hour. They are not special cookies. They are turtle supreme or something. They taste delicious! You will also notice an apple turnover thing. I saw these at Safeway on 10 for $7 sale. I bought 5 because I couldn't remember if I liked them or not. After eating one on top of Mt. Diablo today for lunch I remember that I do like them. I also ate a banana which depleted my "getting there food." On the way back I stopped at a gas station and bought two Ms. Fields cookies, a snikers bar (which I ate immediately and threw the wrapper away so it's not pictured) and two packets of salted peanuts in case I started cramping. But I didn't, so I didn't eat them.

So, that's it. I have no idea how many total calories I took in. I have no idea what my carb to protein ratio was. I do know that I could pretty much care less about any of that crap. This line of thinking leads to the occasional bonk but not usually. And, this stuff is way cheaper than all that "scientifically formulated crap," not to mention all the people forcing down a cliff bar gaze at your cookies quite longingly.

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