Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Football Trick Shots

Holy crap, this has nothing to do with cycling!

I found this retweeted on twitter through the various channels. I guess this guy is the backup QB at UConn and if you're the backup QB at a small program, this is probably the best way to showcase your arm strength and accuracy. I'm not sure how many other D1 QBs would watch this video and shrug as something they all sit around and do and never thought to film. I'm guessing a lot. Still, it's pretty good stuff if you like this kind of thing. Some of the throws are pretty impressive, especially if you go ahead an assume it was the first take on each one, which, there's no real proof of that. In my opinion the best throw is when he hits the ball that's been kicked off the tee. I would think those don't exactly fly in straight lines.

What I've never understood about these videos, since there's basketball versions all over the place, is how excited the other guys around get when he makes it. Sure it's impressive, but jump up and down, leap over a trash can impressive? I don't know...

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