Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stay Classy PG County

Have you ever noticed that when you sit around in a group and one person mentions a bad incident with a cop it doesn't take long for every single person in the group to share a similar story or at least express their distrust in general law enforcement? Have you ever sat back and wondered why that is? Why the guys/gals that are paid with tax dollars are pretty much disliked as a whole by the general population? Is it because everybody has something to hide and they're nervous the cops are going to find it? Not usually. It's because of incidents like the one at the University of Maryland where a kid gets clearly beaten by multiple cops because he wandered too close and they were probably frustrated that their night off turned into riot control. And, as if beating this kid senseless with billy clubs wasn't bad enough, the officers then lie on the police report (which are filed under the penalty of perjury) by saying this kid assaulted them (which is a felony) and that his injuries were sustained because he was kicked by the horse (try finding that in the video). AND, as if that wasn't bad enough, to attempt to hide the abuse and kill the paper trail they forced the kid to refuse medical attention because if he went to the hospital they'd have to file another report saying why he needed the medical attention in the first place. He was instructed that if he refused the hospital visit he'd be let go, if not, he'd spend the entire weekend in jail.

I know that every cop doesn't behave in this fashion. Doesn't lash out at some drunk kid because he's an easy target and then to cover their own asses try and pin a felony assault charge on him. But too many do, and luckily for this kid, it was caught on video and now hopefully he can sue everyone involved for as much as humanly possible. Too many incidents like this occur that don't get caught on tape and that's why when you're in that previously mentioned group it's so easy for everyone to go on and on about their experiences with police. It's too often an abuse of power by people who finally have a chance to show you just how tough or powerful they are. I feel sorry for the good cops out there who know are going to be looked at with the suspicious eyes as if it were them in the video beating this kid for no reason. But, like they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch.

Seriously, watch the video and see if you can see this kid do anything other than put his hands up and seemingly try and back away from the horse and cops until he backs into the wall. He doesn't even try to defend himself, he just curls up in a ball and takes the beating. I hope all the cops involved have assault with deadly weapon charges filed against them, sentenced to the same jail time this kid would have received and then upon their release from jail, forced to struggle to find gainful employment because of their record, just like this kid would have had to do if this video hadn't emerged.

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