Friday, September 19, 2008

It Couldn't Last Forever

As most of you know I have been living the good life of gainful unemployment for the last month or so. I was supposed to teach but decided I didn't want to so in a very landall like fashion quit before it started. That of course left me with the ever so unanswerable question to try and answer, "What was I going to do instead?"

Today, I received the phone call that offered me full time employment as a project manager for the company that runs the camp that I worked at when I first arrived here. I will be overseeing the recruiting for their summer staff. The job will require a lot of travel to various bay area colleges which should be fun. Also, the company is growing rapidly so there seems to be some upside there as well if all works out for the future.

While living the good life was fun, the money was sure to run out eventually. I guess I'm back to being a working stiff like the rest of you. Well, on Oct. 6th that is. I still have a few more weeks of "vacation."


debbiep said...

Congrats!!! I know you are glad to know income will soon be coming in again. It sounds like it will be fun, I hope you will enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Yay for the new digs! Sounds promising.... I'm proud of ya cuz for havin' the balls to get out there and try random things. Good luck with your next stand-up routine. I might have to make a trip out there to catch ya live. :D