Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Lion Attack

This shouldn't take long.

This morning on Good Morning America there was a story about a Lion attacking his trainer at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Here's a youtube clip of the video:

1st, that dude is not being attacked. If he was being attacked, this video doesn't end with him hobbling away. It ends in two ways, 1) carted off on a stretcher. 2) a few weeks later he's being passed through the Lion's poop. It looks like there's a 400lb animal who wants to rough house a little bit. I also feel like if he's really being attacked the other trainer doesn't come over and coax the Lion off, he gets the hell out of dodge.

I'm not a crazy PETA person and I really have no problem with these kinds of exhibits, but when a wild animal acts like a wild animal I don't think there should be some insane overreaction with investigations and even the remote possibility that the animal be put down as a result. That Lion did not seek out to live it's life at the MGM Grand and because of that, if the Lion occasionally acts like a Lion who would prefer to live in it's natural habitat, I don't blame it. If you chose to be a lion trainer this is an inherent risk that you take and I find it telling that you never hear the trainers coming out and saying the animal did anything wrong.

For all of my waxing I think Gilbert Arenas on his blog a few years ago during shark week summed up my point the best (of course I am paraphrasing), "Nobody gets attacked by a shark. The shark lives in the water, you don't. You're the one trespassing. If you're at home watching tv and a shark comes into your house and bites you while you're on the couch, that's an attack." There's been on update on how Gilbert feels about sharks carrying unloaded weapons.


T said...

did you see my latest fb post? these are my you think it's rude to ask if they got paid to give the news this video???

landall said...

Despite being that lion's snack. That seems like a pretty cool job! And while they probably should get paid, they probably didn't since it wasn't their video and the MGM probably is the one who would actually own the rights.

He should have fought the lion.