See title for description of what's to follow.
- Yesterday I witnessed the most bogus ticketing of all time. At the intersection of Rock Creek Park and Ohio Drive, continuing on Ohio Drive, the light was 2/3s out, meaning that only the red light was operational. As I waited at the intersection and cars went by I noticed that the light was out and there was a cop standing there with a whistle in his mouth. I assumed that because the light was out he was there to direct traffic as needed. Incorrect assumption! As cars went through the light changed from nothing to red with no usual yellow light warning as it was apparently out as well. The cop immediately stepped off the curb in front of the last car in line, blew his whistle, pulled them over and wrote them a ticket for running the red light. So let me get this straight, as a driver you're expected to predict the turning of the light to red so you don't get ticketed, but the city isn't obligated to immediately fix the light once it's out? Way to go DC! You just saved money on a few light bulbs and increased revenue at the same time. What a f'in joke. No way I'd pay that ticket.
- Before witnessing the ridiculous ticketing incident I apparently offended a shirtless, kmart mtb rider who confused his "bike" for one of those toys you rode as a ride that required a side to side motion for forward momentum. After essentially coming to a stop, saying "on your left" three times and then shouting so that he could hear me over his iPod, he got angry and sprinted after me for a slow moving confrontation. Apparently the explanation to his question, "why do you need to pass me?" was found sufficient when I said, "because I was going faster than you." He then apologized for cutting me off. For a second I really thought this guy was going to try and fight me or something. He seemed pretty angry. You never can tell what you're going to get from topless toy bike riders on your afternoon commute.
- This morning on the news some political expert was talking about Sarah Palin and was asked if she's running for president. He of course gave the same answer everybody does, which is no answer at all. Why the hell don't all of these people just say what's obvious, "nobody is currently 'running' for president since it's not an election cycle. However, it seems like she's doing her best to stay relevant when that time comes." 1st, why is that statement not an appropriate response? 2nd, who the f cares if Sarah Palin does anything? I would make some statement about no chance she'd ever get elected, but I'd only have to be reminded of the double term W administration to realize that dumb people vote in mass.
- The Tour de France is well under way and so far it's either been "epic" or boring depending on who you ask. I'm torn somewhere in between. Looks like Hushovd has already wrapped up the green points jersey. He has about a million point lead which I think is good. Since I don't have cable I thought I might be able to avoid the made up Lance vs. Alberto drama but no, even the websites I go to love to talk about some made up shit.
Check out this picture! Looks like they're BFFs to me. Of course Lance says he hasn't spoke to Alberto all race and has no recollection of this exchange. When questioned about whether he'd recall talking to his biggest rival as something that might stand out, he took his usual stance of threatening the journalist's life, calling him scum, calling his work ridiculous and the paper he writes for toilet paper. Apparently, everybody likes it when Lance does this because everybody seems to just nod in agreement. Must be good to be the king.
I found it pretty funny that after stage 3 when Lance lost the most time and Alberto rode on the cobbles great that most journalist just decided to leave the story alone instead of saying, "yeah, well, we really botched the prediction on that one." I was never really sure why everybody thought that Contador was going to have such a tough time on the cobbles anyway. I mean the guys a good bike racer, knows he needs to be at the front in critical parts of a stage. It's not as if because he's from Spain the cobbles are some sort of weird kryptonite that repeal anyone totting a fake gun. His ride on stage 3 was exactly what I thought it would be, smart. I really didn't think that stage was going to immediately ruin the hopes of any of the GC guys. The stage was less than 10% cobbled, but you'd have assumed that there were going to be tigers let loose on the side of the road by the way people were talking about it.
- Speaking of Kings, does anybody give a shit about where LeBron ends up? And who on his PR team thought that a 1 hour special was a good idea. I can't speak for the world but I'm pretty sure this free agency extravaganza has hurt his image. For example, this guy has 9,200 followers on twitter and posted this, I think it's a good indicator.
I know MJ only played for one team and Kobe's only played for one team, but none of this is good for LeBron James. Most people don't like to think about how much more money professional athletes make than they do for playing a game. So to make such a big hype over how much richer this already insanely rich person is going to get, just doesn't sit that well with normal folks. We all realize that athletes are a well paid bunch and that's fine, hold a press conference, put on the hat of your new team, and then report to practice. We don't need all of this hype.
- The World Cup has basically cemented for me the reasons why I can never be a soccer fan. The rules of soccer just don't make any sense and the understood rules and tactics are even worse. I've always disliked the fake flopping and crap that goes on, but this world cup seems to be even thicker with it. If your strategy to win is to simply lay on the ground and play dead, then you don't deserve to be there. I'm not talking specifically about Ghana. This happens in every game as soon as the time starts rolling. I understand that controlling possession is a good strategy in any sport, but in basketball there's a shot clock and if you foul someone the clock stops. In soccer, even if you foul the guy, he gets to take as much time as he wants to start the action again, meanwhile, clock runs. An arbitrary amount of stoppage time gets added on, unless you're in stoppage time, then it seems to be ignored. It's not a "beautiful game" as it's often described when theatrics are more important than skills.
I think that's it. I'm hungry and going to eat my 2 daily PBJs.
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